Section 2.2.6

Question Information

The Question Information dialogue pops up when the test-maker clicks on a row in the Question Bank. It allows he/she to look at a more detailed report of each question, without cluttering the Question Bank. In this scenario, the test-maker is about to look at the Question Information of a particular question.

After adding a few questions to the Question Bank (see Adding Questions), it might look something like Figure

Figure Example of a filled in Question Bank

The test-maker wants to see more information about the first question (CSC101’s multiple choice question). He/she would click on the first row, which would pop up a Question Information dialogue.

The Question Information dialogue looks similar to the Adding Questions dialogue (See Adding Questions). Depending on the question type, the bottom half of the Question Information changes (just like the Adding Questions dialogue).

Figure, below, shows how a Multiple Choice (M/C) question would look like in the Question Information dialogue (this question is derived from Adding a M/C Question).

Figure Multiple Choice (M/C) Question Information Example

The Question Information dialogue has useful information about the question. It is a detailed report of the selected question.

The Edit button allows the user to edit the question (see Editing a Question).

The Delete button allows the user to delete the question here instead of from the Question Bank, for ease of use. A similar pop-up confirmation box appears when the user clicks this button (See Deleting Questions).